What didn’t you know before the Capital Collaborative Cohort that you know now?
I realized that in so many years of doing this work, I have believed that there’s both intention and expertise that would help me to support the changing of systems. I’ve learned that this isn’t totally wrong, but it’s not the most important thing I can do. The most important thing I can do is trust and move funding to leaders and organizations of color working to end poverty for families of color.
What were you hoping to get from this experience?
I was hoping for insight on how to do this work as a White funder. I’ve long been a White practitioner. But, I realized when I began my job two years ago, I needed some new tools in my belt.
What moment in the Cohort will you remember years from now?
I’ll remember the generosity of Black leaders in Durham, North Carolina at our first Summit sharing their experience and expertise, and trusting that we would do good with their insight.
Capital Collaborative Summit 1 in Durham, North Carolina
What do you wish colleagues at your organization had learned or experienced with you?
In place-based work – which is what my team at Blue Meridian Partners does – it is well worth the work to get out on the ground in communities, in order to fund efforts that name the outcomes a community seeks for its own sake.
What do you think our industry would look like if we centered equity and justice?
When we truly center equity and justice, we’ll still be working toward outcomes, but we’ll know the outcomes are driven by and for the people we are serving. We will not pride ourselves on our knowledge and expertise, but on how effectively we are able to connect community members with the proximate knowledge and expertise to funders and investors.
The Capital Collaborative by Camelback Ventures works with White funders and social impact investors who want to deepen their individual and organizational commitment to racial and gender equity in philanthropy — but may not know how. You can learn more about how to get involved by submitting an interest form for the Capital Collaborative’s next cohort or signing up for the newsletter.