CBV Alumni Board Feature: Sage Salvo + Words Liive

2020-21 CBV Alumni Board Feature: Sage Salvo of Words Liive


What propelled you into the entrepreneurial space? And what do you enjoy most about being a founder?

The promise of a better future. Embarking on this journey has meant staying committed to making sure the future is better, and different from the present state. I would not have started Words Liive unless I truly believed that I could impact the future. That’s also the most enjoyable thing about being a founder. My decisions are directly and easily translated into outcomes. The proximity to the change we’re helping cause is such a beautiful thing.

Tell me about an experience you had as an entrepreneur or in starting your company that exemplified one of Camelback’s core values.

Going into schools and ‘remixing’ their curriculum takes courage. We’ve been told any number of times that our solution is ‘impossible’. I remember being in California a few years ago at a school, and a teacher saying that music doesn’t have enough substance to help students learn objectives. But about 15 lesson plans later, with significant student gains and wins including with “low performing students”. So being unafraid of failure has emboldened us to keep with the work.

Is there anyone from the #camelbackfam you’d like to shout-out?

Big shout outs to fellow founders Larry Irwin, Tony Weaver, Hattie Mitchell, and Brandy Williams.

How are you and/or your team adapting to the challenges of the coronavirus crisis? What are you most proud of overcoming in recent months?

We’re adjusting our offering for parents in these new “parental pods”. This is a shift for us, but a good look because we’re addressing the moment and the need of the times. We’re very very bullish on this new focus.

You can learn more about Sage and Words Liive.

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