Fighter, mobilizer, hope builder…2022 Fellow Krystal Barnett of Bridge 2 Hope shares more about her #RuthlessForGood journey.
What propelled you into the entrepreneurial space? And what do you enjoy most about being a founder?
It’s truly wild how I got here. I was working full-time at an investment firm when I was first given the opportunity to go to an info session to learn about building a parent movement in St. Louis. When I heard in that room how education just hasn’t served our children well, I was set on fire in the space. However, when I left the info session, I couldn’t see how I would grow this movement and work full-time! But, because the need resonated with me personally, I felt like I was being called into the space, and that if I just said “yes,” everything else would work itself out. Once I committed, I had to go through a process called the Test of Commitment (TOC) and it was during that 11-week process that I found my footing, my why, and grounded myself in knowing that I would commit myself to building relationships with parents from our communities struggling the most. To find out what they cared about, introduce them to school data, show them how it has impacted their children and encourage them to come together to not only create but demand that things change on behalf of our babies!
As we canvassed and started talking to parents, most had no idea what was really happening in the education system or how the issues were really in their backyard. I knew in those moments that there was a need for Bridge 2 Hope.
I think what is so unique about us is that we build with the community we serve and not for them. We believe in speaking Truth to power, disrupting corrupt systems, and the power that parents have when they activate their advocacy on behalf of their children and all children. An enraged parent is an engaged one and we cannot hold people accountable to information they don’t have. The community showed us that if we provide the information, they will use it to fight for their children and all children’s rights to learn. Bridge 2 Hope is not just a nonprofit, we are a Movement! #weareB2H
What do you enjoy most about being a founder?
What I enjoy most is watching an idea grow from something you wrote down to a tangible valued resource. If someone would have told me 20 years ago that I would be doing this work, leading in this way, I would have shaken my head in disbelief. Being a founder threw me into a world of possibilities, failing fast, and growth! I love the fact that this work allows me to see the power inside of others get activated and that real change comes through collective action. I love that I was able to be a piece in the larger puzzle that will leave a better world for future generations to come!
What is one piece of advice that has been the most impactful to your journey as an entrepreneur so far?
Speak only what you want to be true, be the example you want to see. Speak truth to power, unapologetically!
Tell us about an experience you had as an entrepreneur or in starting your company that exemplified one of Camelback’s core values: “Belief in Mission + Vision”; “Unafraid of Failure”; “Constant Learner”; “Humble + Hungry”; and “Give First.”
Unafraid of Failure: I walked away from my job of five years to start B2H the same day my job offered me a promotion. I’m not really a person who scares easily, but that day fear tried to grip me. I was told many times that I couldn’t do this work, that I was making a huge mistake, that I was chosen to be the leader because I was easy to control, that I didn’t have enough to get the s*** done! Here is what I knew to be true: even if I failed 1000 times, it would have been worse to give up and not try. I know my WHY! And guess what? It’s 2022 and B2H is still here, moving, growing, thriving and making a difference in the lives of the community we serve. Even when I had a nine-car accident in October of 2020 where my right hip and left wrist were shattered, non-weight bearing for seven months and my team had to run B2H, I never gave up. I never stopped moving, building, growing, changing, adjusting and pushing to do right by the community, my family and myself. I had to start embracing the FFTs (first f****** times) and say no matter what I committed to, no matter how hard it was, I wouldn’t stop until we saw victory!
As a social innovator, what legacy do you hope to leave behind for future generations?
Every person on the planet has an assignment. I was told one time that “God doesn’t need your ability, he needs your availability.” That statement is what keeps me grounded and motivated. I said YES, and he provided the means, the knowledge and the wisdom to execute the assignment.
What’s your favorite book or podcast that you draw entrepreneurial inspiration from?
The Uncommon Leader by Mike Murdock
If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
Mind reading because I believe as a person thinks so goes their behavior and decision making.
Anything else you want to share about yourself and/or your Camelback Fellowship journey?
I’m excited to be here. I’m humbled to be a part of the #CamelbackFam and I’m excited to be connected to so many powerful world changers!
You can learn more about ➡ Krystal Barnett of Bridge 2 Hope.
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